Exploring Low-Fat Diet Plans for Healthier Eating

Exploring Low-Fat Diet Plans for Healthier Eating

Low Fat Diet Plans – Delicious But Healthy

It is a common misconception that low-fat diet plans are not delicious. Some even think low-fat is not eatable. This may be because the more fat a meat has, the tastier it becomes. For instance, more delicious steak is usually more fat that`s why it`s more expensive. Well here’s the good news, you don’t have to compromise fine dining or good eating for a low-fat diet plan. That’s thanks to the increasing demand for low-fat foods. The food industry is fast becoming a healthier industry. More low-fat alternatives are now ready to be eaten. Now, the question is, how fat is fat? Determining how much fat you should only take will help frame good and effective low-fat diet plans.

The Usual Fat

The average American is getting fatter and fatter. A recent survey has revealed that about 55% of American adults and 20% of American children are overweight. The one to blame? The usual American diet. On average, an American eats 80% fat every day. That is equivalent to one stick of butter. Kids, on the other hand, are served 157 million times of fast food every month. Fast food is known to be high in fat. Meanwhile, about 50% of the US dollar is spent only on eating out. Sadly, eating out means eating fatty foods. After all, there are only a few low-fat restaurants in the USA. Think about it, can you name some low-fat restos?

The High Fat Diet

High-fat foods can be more delicious and more tempting. There’s no doubt about that. But there is no doubt also that high-fat foods are dangerous to our health. More fats in the body will mean a higher risk of cancer, cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes. You’ll be overweight because you’re over-fat. Meanwhile, maintaining a low-fat diet helps lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Having a low-fat diet is also the start of losing some excess weight.

Ideally, every person should consume 30% of fats for the calories. There are many sources of calories and one of these is fats. The 30% is already the maximum fat intake you should have every day. Now, what does that mean? On average, a person should take in only 2,000 calories every day. That means you should only take 600 calories of fats. Every gram of fat is equivalent to nine calories, so, a person should only take 66.6 grams of fat. A little more than that will already be dangerous to your health and your figure

The Low Fat Diet

So for low-fat diet plans, you should keep in mind that you should only take in at most 66.6 grams of fat. As much as possible, never take in saturated fats. If you can’t help it, keep it to the minimum. This means only 6.6 grams of saturated fats every day. Maybe you’ll have difficulty getting started with a low-fat diet. It’s normal, though. You’ll see, you’ll get used to it in the long run. And when you do, you can already start exercising to lose more weight.

However, getting started can be difficult if you don’t have a good guide like The Truth About Six Pack Abs. With this eBook, you will learn what exercises to do and more importantly, what foods to eat so you can lose fat and finally, have a six-pack abs.