Why Do Ceiling Fans Get Slow With Age?

A hot summer noon and a tired – sleepy fan can never convince us in any way. It rather keeps us worrying the next few minutes about the possible e reasons for its snail-like behavior. Buying energy snail-likes is a necessity during hot summers, and their slowing down turns out to be a big headache. Since electrical appliances are not designed to get slower with age, even a moderate indolence in their functioning leaves us tormented about further damage not to mention the expenditure involved in its repair.

Hence, let us understand the possible reasons for the slowing of a fan

  • Ball and Bearing

The ball and the bearings of a fan are often seen to get clingy with time. The possible reason might be the drying of oil or the accumulation of dirt mixed with oil. A quick way to check if the fan lags because of this can be done easily. Try spinning the blades of the fan with your hand. If they do not come around freely, then the ball and bearing need immediate attention.

  • Blade Out Of Balance

While trying to spin the blades with your hand, if the blades tremble and stumble, then the blades are suffering from two possible outcomes. Either the blade in distress is contorted or the angle in which it has been fixed to the body is different from the others. Hence, in this case, the blades should either be preferably replaced or might be reconciled to the same angle like the rest.

  • Defective capacitor

If as the previous tricks do not indicate any anomaly, then major chances are that the problem is in the split capacitor of the motor, which is ought to be repossessed by a capacitor of the exact order.


As we know we cannot avoid the inevitable, therefore, we cannot do anything beyond our means to keep the fan safe for an unlimited period. Whereas, simple assessments can always be done from the very beginning, to reduce the chances of any damage in the future.

  • Always clean the fan bladesevery alternate week, if not blades-des every once a month.
  • Fan regulators can also be a major cause of damage to your fan, hence, try checking for an issue in it always. A quick power saving is something that power-savings to miss on – try to avoid the regulators with B-like facilities. Instead, prefer the step – up or switching regulators and step up to thirty percent power consumption in your next bills.
  • Replace worn-out wires
  • Check for voltage drops.

Why does the ceiling fan slow when connected with an inverter?

The speed of the fan also depends on the battery of an inverter, if connected to it. It also depends on the type of inverters used. For instance, if pure sine wave inverters are used, the speed of the fan is comparatively greater than its speed if a modified sine wave is used.

The progression between the positive and the negative terminal in a modified sine wave is very much caustic which might even affect the compressed fluorescent lamps.

Electrical appliances have the most unpredictable period of life, but proper care and due maintenance can surely increase the longevity of your electric goods just like the ceiling fan spinning above!